Alfie’s Carnival Adventures

Meet Alfie our very own Carnival Mascot! You’ll see him all around the Carnival events & out and about throughout the year. Share any photos you take on our socials! If you’d like Alfie to come along to your event & make a guest apprearance just get in touch!

Opening the new Buddy Bench @ Pewsey Primary. The well being Champions raised the money themselves to buy the bench.

Any student who didn’t have somone to play with can sit there and they’ll be asked to join in!

Alfie went along to Urchfont Scarecrow Festival in May and made some new friends!

The Wiltshire Air Ambulance is one of Carnival’s regular charities and it was lovely to meet their mascot.

Held on the May day bank holiday every year the Urchfont festival is get fun with the notorious Green Beer! So if you’re looking for somthing to do in May Get along to Urchfont

Carnival is a huge amount of work and takes loads of volunteers to run and even a few sponsers.

From delivering the programme to building the floats there are loads of people throughout the village getting involved. including Alfie

This year Arbor Bespoke Cabinets of Pewsey supplied all the wood needed for the river scene. Alfie went along to meet the team and say thank you.

Are you Carnival fit? Alfies got himself into training with a visit to the wonderful Vale Community Campus. He loved the gym and getting ready fro his busy September!